My First Job: People's Drug Store at 7-Corners [Falls Church VA]
The first day at my first job was both scary and exciting. I really only applied at two places. The first was an ice cream shop, where the assistmant manager fawned over me and had me filling out new employee paperwork until he found out I was only sixteen not old enough to work at his store. Amazingly, he called me two years later, the day I turned 18, and offered me a job.
I walked into the People's Drug Store in the 7-Corners Shopping Center [upper left of image] and noticed a "Help Wanted" sign on the fountain counter. While I didn't want to work with food, I did want a job, and applied. Luckily, I talked to Mr. Groux, the assistant manager over the floor, and he hired me before I could talk to Mr. Tribbe, the fountain manager. I still remember his exact words. "So, do you have any experience?" No I said. "Well, OK, you're hired." Just like that.
I worked at People's from 1972-1974 as a clerk, and again from 1976-1977 as an assistant manager. I enjoyed my time with the company. I made a lot of friends and got a long well with the managers.
Mr. Shoup eventually moved to South Carolina and bought a Western Auto Franchise. Mr. Groux and Steve Stacks both became store managers with People's. Mr. Tribbe remained an assistant at the 7-Corner's store. I left for good in 1978 when I joined the Air Force. The company was eventually gobbled up by Rite Aid.
Off all the jobs I've held, People's Drug was one of my favorites.